1. Top 5 Work at Home Mistakes - By: Terry Espeland
Before you even begin to start working from home there are a
number of important matters that you must consider first. This
article outlines the the top 5 mistakes that you can make when
working at home. Pay careful attention to these as they might
make a huge difference as to whether you are successful or not.
Mistake 1. Scams.
If you want to make sure you don't fall for a scam do your
research. There are a number of good places to do this research
online. Just Google 'how to spot scams online' or some similar
You have to become educated on this topic because if you fall
into a scam then you are likely to be targeted again. Yep, there
is a scammers network out there. Take your time and learn all you
Could you miss out on a good, legitimate offer? Yes, but it is
far better err on the side of caution.
Mistake 2. Analysis paralysis.
Having been cautioned on looking out for scams, don't suffer from
inertia. At some stage you just have to dive right in and do it.
Try to find something that you feel really comfortable doing and
then ...Just Do It!
If you over analyse everything you could end up with analysis
paralysis. If you find yourself stacking up more than a handful
of likely offers you might be in danger of becoming so
overwhelmed that you don't take action on anything. Part of your
education is to try something and find that it wasn't what you
thought it would be. This way you will be educating yourself.
Mistake 3. Not Getting Educated.
While we are on the subject of education let's be blunt. Not
getting educated is a big mistake. It will severely restrict your
prospects of being successful. You could fall for a scam. You
could lose a lot of money.
However, let me repeat. Part of your education is jumping in and
getting your feet wet. As you become more experienced online you
will notice that all of the honest 'gurus' have gone through this
process to some extent.
Mistake 4. Not Networking.
This simply means that you join other like minded people and
share your experiences. One of the best ways of doing this is to
join one of the many forums online. If the scheme you are
contemplating has a forum then dive right in and sign up. This is
also another way of getting your education.
If your scheme or project has a forum that is a good indicator
that it is legitimate.
Networking is an important part of the process. Trying to do it
on your own rarely works out in your favour.
Mistake 5. Not being professional.
This is a biggie. So many people seem to think that because you
are working from home they don't need to be professional in their
efforts. Wrong.
Even if you have a day job the presumption is that you intend to
quit it at some stage. Even if that is not your intention you
still need to be professional. If you only want to supplement
your income you must treat your online efforts seriously. If you
do this and work diligently, sooner or later you will have to
quit your job to keep up with your online efforts.
These are a few important things for you to consider when
contemplating working from home online. Get these right and you
are well on your way to success.
2.Recharge Your Internet Network Marketing Business with eMillions - By: Cheree Miller
eMillions is a collection of interviews with 14 successful internet marketing millionaires by teenager Stanley Tang. And, unless you just stumbled on the internet in the last few minutes, you've already heard about this book and seen the free bonus offers. Here's my personal take on this book.
Depending on which route you use to purchase eMillions, you may get $397 worth of free offers (if you buy it directly from Amazon) or several thousand dollars worth of free offers if you buy it through a bundled offer on the internet. Of course, there are thousands of dollars worth of additional offers designed to help you succeed at network marketing on the internet which will cost you, well, several thousand dollars.
Just remember, it's up to you whether or not you choose to take advantage of up-sells in the internet world. If you're short on cash, pass them by. You can always purchase them later, granted at a higher price, when you've got some cash flow going from your network marketing efforts.
First, I'm going to make a confession. I haven't finished this book yet. I got it from Amazon a couple of days ago, and hadn't had the opportunity to sit down and read it. In fact, if I hadn't been in a car accident last night (car was totalled, but my son and I walked away fine except for some bruises and sore muscles - God is good!), I probably wouldn't have taken the time to start reading it this morning. But, no transportation has given me limited options for the day.
So, why am I writing a review on a book I haven't even finished reading yet? Because I think it's that good! I just finished the interview with Jermaine Griggs, founder of HearandPlay.com. At 17, this kid turned $70 into a $3 million internet company. That's pretty impressive by any standards.
But, what I really like is his attitude. He highly suggests looking for a niche in internet marketing that fits the four Ps: Passion, Patience, Progression and Positivity. His own personal niche is incredibly "limited" yet, he has made millions in it, and his business continues to thrive.
Jermaine is also impressive because he is not ashamed to state that he's a Christian, and that he uses biblical principles in his internet marketing that have been a huge factor in his success.
If I had to sum up the interview with Jermaine, I would use one word -- and it's one of my favorites -- PASSION. He was passionate about his dream of changing the lives and circumstances of his family. He is passionate about his particular niche. He is passionate about setting, focusing on and achieving goals -- not just for his internet marketing business, but for his life in general.
Ask yourself if the actions you are taking are bringing you closer to or further from your goals of being a successful internet network marketer?
Jermaine (or any of the people interviewed in Stanley Tang's book) didn't just stumble upon success. They worked for it. They chose to devote their time and energy toward learning and doing whatever they could to succeed.
Now that you've finished reading this article, you have a choice: Are you going to take an action that takes you further away from your goal; or are you going to take a definite step in the direction of success in your internet network marketing business?
I hope you'll chose success and click on the link in my resource box below for your free report on how to generate free leads for your internet based network marketing business.
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